
The Automotive and Mechatronics Package to POLARION

AM-PACK - Six in One

1. Requirements & Compliance Mgmt
2. Conception Mgmt req-b or mod-b
3. Verification & Validation (Test) Mgmt
4. Conception & Engineering BOM Mgmt
5. Product Line Mgmt (variants & reuses)
6. Project & Issue Management

AM-PACK = Keystone of Conformity

Processes complying with Automotive SPICE by virtue of conforming work product templates,  work product workflows, linking schemata, and traceability reports.

ISO 26262-compliant products: Assessed to tool confidence level 1, AM-PACK is a software tool fully complying with ISO 26262:2011, Part 8, Clause 11, confidence in the use of software tools.

Maturity level assurance for new parts: interaction with all Excel files as recommended by the VDA guideline, graphical and tabular reports over all maturity levels.

Control Window

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Variant management

is the backbone of development and production of an efficient product line. AM-PACK distinguishes the necessary differences between product variants and optimizes visibility and handling of the commonalities.

Differential handling of artifacts and documents

at each architectural level from mechatronic system via domains like mechanics, printed circuit board and software down to piece part and code.

The agile V

No doubt, the PEP must always be oriented towards the customer's process structure which is phrased by milestones. However, it is usually just the customer, who brings unrest in the PEP by continuous change requests so that structured agility is called for. In addition, each component of a product, depending on their complexity and their domain (mechatronics, mechanics, electronics, software), has its own development rhythm, which is reflected in the frequency of its passes through the V-model.

With its Agile V principle AM-PACK dovetailes the client's milestone rhythm with the individual development rhythms of the ordered system and its components.

Utilisation of carry-over parts and reusability of software

are important cost reduction drivers. AM-PACK is able to treat each system component individually either as new or as known. Using AM-PACK links from the requirements of each known component to those of the verified part to be carried over or of the tested software to be reused may be established and administrated.

In less than no time from 0 to 100

AM-PACK i.e.: Zero customising.
Install and instantly work productively.

AM-PACK, that's a true GIFT:
Get it - Install it - Follow it - Treasure it