Corporate Value + Society + Environment
The European Commission recommends that Corporate Social Responsibility be understood as the balanced responsibility of a company in the following three areas of activity: (1) corporate profit, (2) society and (3) the environment. It calls this the Triple Bottom Line.
Accordingly, balanced corporate responsibility means a shift from the conventional mindset of first generating profit and then doing good, i.e., using the profit generated in a socially or ecologically sensible way, for example, to the mindset of already designing and living in a socially and ecologically compatible way all processes that lead to the generation of profit.
Striving for corporate quality in this sense determines our thoughts and actions. It is our understanding of Corporate Culture and Corporate Management.
Holistic corporate management, as recommended by ISO 9004 or the EFQM model, for example, emphasize the pursuit of sustainability. In this context, the pursuit of sustainable corporate value replaces pure profit thinking.
The term "Corporate Quality" is increasingly being used to describe the combination of both approaches, Corporate Social Responsibility and holistic Corporate Management.
On the following pages we present some examples of how we live up to our responsibility to society and the environment in our daily lives.