Webinar on 2024-11-29: Intelligent Navigator
Navigating in large Live Documents can be quite annoying, here are 3 examples:
- You follow a link to a distant WorkItem and then scroll your fingers to the bone to get back
- You follow a link to a WorkItem in another Live Document and then have to be patient until this is opened and loaded in a new tab and Polarion has brought the WorkItem into focus
- You follow a link to a pinned WorkItem and end up in the corresponding historical view of the Live Document, then you start navigating there again and suddenly wonder, because you no longer remember being in the historical view, that WorkItem contents do not correspond to your recent changes
Our Intelligent Navigator extension makes these and many other Polarion navigation obstacles a matter of the past.
We gave you a live demonstration of the possibilities that have opened up with the Intelligent Navigator. We also invited you to a free webinar:
- November 29, 2024 09:00-09:45 a.m. in German language
- November 29, 2024 10:00-10:45 a.m. in English language
If you would like to know more, you will find information on our homepage about our Polarion extensions here and specifically on the Intelligent Navigator here.
Links: Recording, Presentation script