
Our model for success: Generation 68 + Generation Y

This is the normal everyday occurrence at cip alpha: the young generation's questions and searching  - both professionally and personally - merge with the experience and the composure of the older generation.

We treat each other as equals. Everyone contributes through his professional and personal individuality to joint success - this is our motivation. We are working hard, we challenge and support each other, and we enjoy together - at work and beyond.

The good is the enemy of the better (Jim Collins). This thought, that complacency as well as contentment with own results and effects and with the  personal environment hinder change, is not only understood by us - it leads us:

With respect to our capabilities it means to utilise the explosion of knowledge and progress ambitiously and well planned.

With respect to our products it means, that we want to be one step ahead with them, both in terms of their technical design and implementation as well as with respect to their functions and services.

With respect to our customers it means, that they can have confidence that we tirelessly strive with our products and services to make their processes simpler and more powerful.

If generation 68 and generation Y come together, if restlessness matured to sagacity and restlessness as a life attitude come together, that allows a wonderful perspective: change with calculus.

Be the change you wish to see in the world  (Mahatma Gandhi) - for everyone of us this is the manifesto for constant change with calculus.